The Messaging of Things

Just as we find more and more "things" on the internet, so do we find more and more options for messaging. What are they? How do they compare? And which should I use?

MQTT is being used by AWS but how does this compare to the newly emerging gRPC; how does the tried and tested Avro compare to Protocol Buffers or even using the familiar JSON with HTTP and Websockets?

This talk aims to provide an subjective comparison of serialisation and communication formats that can be used with IoT devices with a focus on performance.

Presented by

Mike Leonard

Mike is a full stack web developer that has been using Python with Django for the last 5 years and more recently has moved to a full time Python role. He has spent most of his career working for the public sector and the last year at Reposit Power using Python for just about everything. Passionate about open source and experimenting with new technology as it evolves.
