Offline Django with Service Workers

So you wish your Django application would work in the most remote places, even when no Internet is available? With service workers, that's possible. They extend browser caching to all requests, including the initial HTML request. When offline, your users can access a fully functioning web application instead of landing on the "You are offline" page.

This talk will cover:

* What service workers are
* How to initialise and manage them
* What caching strategies to use
* How to integrate service workers with Django

Presented by

Raphael Merx

Rapha discovered Python in high school and never looked back. He has used Python for academic research, machine learning and more recently web development. After working for startups in California, he moved to Timor-Leste where he works on aid projects for Catalpa International. He is a Django contributor and a general open source enthusiast. When the Timorese Internet goes down, you can find him freediving and practicing his broken Tetun.
